Our Free App

Download our Free App — For Desktop / Laptop / Mobile devices.

This app allows to select any of our channels. It can play on almost all modern browsers.

Click Here to Download the latest version of our Free App The app will be downloaded on your device as a Zip file. Please unzip it and email or send it by social medias like “Whats App” to yourself. Then please keep it within respective “Whats App” / Email apps along with the attachments. This process is important because it is easier to start this app by clicking the file from “Whats App” or email locations. Please avoid storing this file on computer desktop or on home page of phone, because modern operating systems tend to automatically deactivate it.

This file is absolutely safe. It is in HTML format. Just in case, if you face any difficulties to download this app, please feel free to click here to send us an email request. We will happily send by email the unzipped App file to you.

We shall much appreciate your efforts to forward this app to your friends and family. Thanks